Digital B2B platform: interface with your information systems

Having to automate your business processes or carry out a project of digitization of commercial document exchanges (whatever they are) is feasible without rethinking your Information System. In this idea, we have developed Orchestrade, a digital B2B platform that interfaces with all the market’s Information Systems and proprietary applications.

mise en conformité

Orchestrade®: Our digital B2B platform

You have a project to digitalize your commercial flows, automation of business processes specific to your company? We support your projects for the dematerialization and automation of all your commercial document exchanges via the Orchestrade® digital B2B platform. With Orchestrade® you can exchange your business data internally and externally, with all your partners (customers, suppliers…):


Interfacing with all proprietary and market Information Systems (IS). Connection with multiple IS simultaneously possible.

Quickly functional

Speed of implementation and deployment thanks to the mutualisation of Orchestrade services.

Reliable and secure

Interfacing and reliability tests for each project. Securing all data flows.

No technological barrier

Adapts to any type of software situation (ERP market, proprietary application, non-existent information system…).

Based on BPMN 2.0

Orchestrade can model and execute your business processes to integrate them into your digitization project.

The Artéva method through its digital B2B platform

No technological limit

As explained above, our digital platform interfaces with all the digital technologies of your information system.

Analysis of your business processes

We start by analyzing your business processes in order to model and execute them on the B2B platform Orchestrade. We deliver a project that takes into account your environment.

Automation of your exchanges

We automate the exchange between your information systems for a proven increase in productivity and simplification of your processes.

Unloaded teams

Your IT and business teams can allocate their time to more important tasks.

Interfacing with all digital technologies

The Artéva solution is able to interface with all types of digital technologies (ERP, WMS, CRM, CMS…) that your partners and your company have. We are able to handle all of the following situations:

  • Home application
  • Market software
  • ERP not listed in our database
  • Information system not available

Some examples of popular business software for which we have references: • SAP • Sage • Oracle • Cegid • Salesforce • Microsoft Dynamics • JDEdwards • Navision

If your company or a company involved in your digitization project does not have an ERP or management software, don’t panic! The companies involved will have access to a collaborative web portal that allows easy communication with partners without having to equip themselves with other digital technologies.

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